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A Little About Me

Hello Everyone,

I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Jason Dean Brake, and I am the owner of JASON DEAN ONLINE SHOP L.L.C.

After years of working for someone else, I decided at 46 that I wanted to take charge of my future and start my own business. With most of my savings and a lot of faith, I created JASON DEAN ONLINE SHOP L.L.C. and began my journey as an entrepreneur. My upbringing had its shares of ups and downs, and I made many mistakes along the way. But those experiences taught me a valuable lesson - that family, loved ones, and the people we meet every day are what truly matter in life.

Sometimes in life we do things and say things that can hurt people we love. I'm truly sorry for the mistakes I have made along the way. But there is hope. I Remember some lyrics in a song,"Love is a battlefield" well everyday life is a Battlefield. I guess the Question is, Who or what is winning the fight.

You see, everyone has a story to tell, some worse than others. As I navigate the world of business, I hope that I can lend a helping hand to those who may need it along the way in different ways in my life. There is no limit to the things that can make a fellow human beings life a little better. You ever notice how the LORD puts you in situations, at any given moment, whether it being comfortable or uncomfortable, its usually a word or an action that the individual or individuals in your presence that needed just the right words or action to come along from a total stranger. Or maybe $5.00 for a bite to eat. Think about it. Or have you had a thought or felt a tug to do something for someone at just the right moment and you ignore it because of the way it may look to others or a fear. And sometimes bad things happen to you but in a way would help someone else. Cause there are seasons in a persons life it seams are they are always changing. Is a person ever really comfortable. 

I am self-taught, and I have learned a lot from reading and watching videos online. There is still so much to learn. But all the knowledge is out there without having to pay for that knowledge its hard work though. I learn slower than some others sometimes I wonder if I have ADHD or a mild form of Autism as an adult I read a little about the two and ADHD and Autism in adults. There are alot of amazing people that suffer from one or the other but they have overcome great obstacles.

I have as a child been diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder but have not had any feed back from doctors at the age of 46, Nor do I take any medications for any depressive disorder or any disorder the only thing that my doctor told me recently is that I struggle with PTSD from things that happened in my past.

What other conditions have shared symptoms with ADHD and Autism that your physician should also consider?

Differential diagnosis for ADHD can include oppositional defiant disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, other neurodevelopmental disorders, specific learning disorder, ASD, reactive attachment disorder, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, and medication-induced symptoms of ADHD.1

Differential diagnosis for ASD can include Rett syndrome, selective mutism, social (pragmatic) communication disorder, and other language disorders; stereotypic movement disorder; schizophrenia; ADHD, and other intellectual developmental disorders.


I have not been diagnosed with either or even asked a doctor about it. But when I look at symptoms of both it is very clear that struggles succeeding in life over the years have been a struggle with learning and staying focused or having joy in doing things or completing things without losing total interest or failure to complete something. Getting Extremely angry or frustrated and seeing everyone else excelling faster creates a jealousy. I have to learn by doing things "Hands On" Repetition over and over. But I have faith that with hard work and determination, my business will grow and thrive. I can't quit !! Everyday is a battlefield !!

Currently, I work full-time as a meat cutter for a grocery store chain. But my dream is to make JASON DEAN ONLINE SHOP L.L.C. a success and to be on the right path with God. That's why I'm asking for your support. If you could subscribe with your email, first and last name, it would mean the world to me. And who knows, our paths may cross in the future, and I can return the favor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you want to connect with me on social media, please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest. 


Jason Dean Brake

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